Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The yellow thing

I, myself will most likely pray to Freyr, the Norse god of peace and fertility to put an end to this nonsense. He'll know what to do--this invasion of the yellow round thing must stop! The pale-nosed people of St Andrews might actually develop a tan, erm or at least a "pink" and that is just weird!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Constantly thinking

They say that home is where the heart is. My body is in St Andrews but I don't feel that Scotland is home. That means that my body is in Fife but my heart is someplace else. This certainly explains why my fingers and toes are constantly freezing in this place. There is no heart to pump the blood all the way into my poor frozen bodyparts. That is the logical explanation for a lot of things...
Thinking is good--it helps people make sense of things.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Glamourous Glamis

Glamis is also known for its ghosts and as people may well be aware of, I am an even bigger ghost enthusiast than a royalist. I was thus always on the lookout for the Earl of Bleh... or some weird looking dude wearing a wig and flashy clothes (no, Elton John doesn't count fool!). A real medieval ghost sighting would have been uber kool but this time around I had no such luck. I did on the other hand get a cold chill down my spine on several occasions during my visit--it was no draft disbelievers--it was no doubt the Earl of Bleh... trying to let me know that he sure was happy that I am doing the Royal Tour. I also visited the pet cemetary at Glamis, where Happy the guinea pig rests in peace under a big rock. My final destination on the Glamis tour was the souvenir shop which, unlike other things on this tour, was very disappointing. I was determined to buy a queen momma-royal-memorabilia-mug to go wit
h my silver-jubileum-1977-mug, but alas--they didn't have any! There wasn't even a Gin and Tonic glass with a queen momma picture anywhere in sight--and that was her favourite drink! I felt terribly betrayed, so shocked in deed that I didn't even invest in a Hairy Haggis comic book. Nevertheless, Glamis gets a bunch of rock points for being Glamis and Joe the tour guide was the sweetest Scotsman ever!
Peace and pudding
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Peer pressure yet again

Put your name in the Comments section:
1. I will tell you a random thing about you.
2. I will tell you which song/film reminds me of you.
3. I will tell you which flavour reminds me of you.
4. I will tell you my first memory of you.
5. I will tell you which animal you remind me of.
6. I will ask you about something that I've wondered about regarding yourself.
7. If you read this, you have to put it on your blog. (Peer pressure)
Can't believe I'm doing this again. I always cave in under peer pressure..sigh.
On the imminent takeover

It was bound to happen at some point. Soon the only things sold in Tesco will be dried fish, Black Death and Bacon creamcheese. Any resistance is futile y'all. The music of Björk, Bubbi the Rock-king of Iceland and the strange moaning of the beanie-boys in Sigurrós will be played everywhere.
Still I am sensing some Nordic vibes in this whole takeover scheme. Since the news in Iceland say that Danes talk about us..a wonders if the new vikings aka Ice-preneurs are actually a part of an even greater plot. I am afraid that the notorious Swedish Mafia may be playing the role of a shadow ministry within the Icelandic business groups. And I w
as tought to fear the Swedes when I was a kid. The Icelanders that went to Sweden and came back home..well different, brainwashed if you will. They were possibly agents for the SSSP (Sveriges stora social problemer) and at least one of them started his own cultural revolution through 80s viking flicks. I dunno--I hope it's really a solely Icelandic takeover because the Swedes are just too tall and too blonde and they kill their politicians...erm too much. Who wants to eat only Swedish meatballs and listen to Ace of Base? Me me me!

Enough said for now.
Heja--I mean Bless bless
Sunday, March 12, 2006
A new temporary role for the Cliff Clavin Corner

Lesson complete
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The productive days

I felt both bewildered and betrayed. How can the folks at the North Point do this to me? Is this some kind of conspiracy aimed at punishing workaholics who leave the house at an ungodly hour on a saturday? Has the lazy bones group that I used to belong to gone to such drastic measures to gain revenge that they want to ruin my breakfast? All these questions and more went through my head these few moments before the lady told me that this is the way it's been since the dawn of time, or at least since the North Point was founded back in erm '96 or something. I had to have a bagel instead and that made my belly hurt. Not happy.
After this traumatic experience I headed for the Scores where I was planning on doing loads of work. Again much to my dismay, there was a power source problem at the office and hence, no internet. Oops, this gives my real intentions away--more internet surfing than work today... Anyway, I was so astonished and utterly heart-broken by this that I was forced to postpone my work and read Neil Gaiman's 1602. After that I played spider solitaire for a bit and minesweeper thereafter. I finished this hectic day by looking at old pictures--see sample up on your lefthandside. Bloody hell it's difficult working in academia!
In my defense for having such a productive day I will say this: I have a rule against working during the weekend but went to the office because I didn't want to stay at home.
At least my minesweeper skills have improved today.
Hasta la victoria siempre!
Friday, March 10, 2006
Ég hata meðleigjandann minn og kærustuna hans

Jæja, nú er mín búin að fá upp í kok. Þetta eru gjörsamlega óviðunandi aðstæður. Skoffín og Skuggabaldur hafa gjörsamlega farið yfir strikið. Skoffín stakk hausnum inn um dyragáttina hjá hinum gríska eðalmeðleigjanda rétt áður en ég kom heim og var með netta tilkynningu: Í nótt ÆTLA 3-4 vinir okkar að gista í eldhúsinu/stofunni. Svo trítlaði pían út og fór á djammið eftir að hafa ruslað svolítið til í íbúðinni. Ég er svo illa pirruð að það hálfa væri nóg.
Og fréttaskot: Þau voru akkúrat að koma inn og skoffín var að tilkynna mér að vinirnir ætluðu að gista í eldhúsinu/stofunni. Ég sagði að það væri í lagi ef vinirnir gistu í herberginu þeirra. Skoffín dæsti og ég sagði bara að það sama hefði verið uppi á teningnum um síðustu helgi þegar vinur þeirra gisti án þess að ég væri spurð. Hún var alveg bit greyið og sagði að hann hefði gist í herberginu þeirra. Ég sagði að það væri rétt en enginn hefði spurt mig og gríska meðleigjandann hvort það væri í lagi. Hún labbaði út úr stofunni og allir vinirnir voru frammi á gangi. þau pískruðu eitthvað um málið. Ég geri ráð fyrir að það hafi verið að þessi íslenska kerling væri með stæla og svo var pískrað meira. Svo heyrði ég einn vinanna segja að fólkið gæti gist hjá sér.
Annað fréttaskot: Skuggabaldur var að koma inn og svona hálfafsaka sig. Ég sagði við hann þegar hann var að afsaka sig að það færi bara rosalega í taugarnar á mér að vera ekki einu sinni spurð. Hann sagði að þau hefðu nú bara frétt af þessu í dag. Það breytir því ekki að Skoffín leigir á kampus og gæti bara sent fólkið þangað. Svo reyndi hann að fá mig til að fá samviskubit með því að segja að þetta myndi VONANDI bjargast og að þau myndu REYNA að finna samastað fyrir fólkið. Ha ha, hann hefur ekki kveikt á því að ég heyrði einhverja vinkonu bjóða liðinu gistingu hjá sér.
Jæja, íslenska truntan verður úthrópuð ömurleg leiðindakúla hjá þessum ágæta vinahópi í kvöld. Bara vonandi að þau fái smá kikk út úr því þessar elskur.
Að lokum þetta: Þau læstu herberginu hjá sér. Eins gott að læsa öllu þegar maður býr með klikkaðri íslenskri kerlingu, aldrei að vita nema hún prófi rúmið, smakki á grautnum og brjóti andskotans stólinn.
Já það er aldrei of varlega farið í samskiptum við íslenskar grýlur.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Enn af sóðapésum
Það kann ekki góðri lukku að stýra þegar ég skipti yfir í íslenskuna ástkæru og ylhýru. Það þýðir einfaldlega að næstu línur verði kvart og kvein. Ég mæli því með því að þeir sem ekki hafa áhuga á að lesa um daglegt amstur og pirring fari að lesa DV frá í gær á netinu, elska svona ókeypis stöff. Ég byrjaði daginn sumsé vel, fór í svaka göngutúr frá hálf átta til níu, algjör hetja. Svo bara daglegt amstur. En í hádeginu ætlaði ég að fá mér hádegismat í eldhúsinu heima. Var þá ekki bara þröngt á þingi og ekkert pláss, hvorki fyrir mig né samlokuna mína. Innflutta leiðinlega kærasta skoska leiðinlega meðleigjandans var bara með nördafund...í eldhúsinu MÍNU! Hún var búin að bjóða öllu ræðuliðinu heim. Ég á bara ekki til orð. Ég viðurkenni það fúslega að þetta myndi ekki fara í taugarnar á mér ef þessi skötuhjú færu ekki svona hrikalega í pirrurnar á mér. Ég meina kommon, þessi pía hefur ekki sofið heima hjá sér í hálfa nótt síðan í janúar. Skoffínið borgar enga leigu, ruslar til, er jafn tillitslaus og kærastinn sem ég nefni skuggabaldur og geymir meira að segja illalyktandi hestadrasl í eldhúsin/stofunni! Lesendur góðir, hvernig á ég að fara að því að hætta að láta þetta lið fara í taugarnar á mér? Mig dreymdi þau meira að segja í nótt--og þau voru líka pirrandi í draumnum! Garggggggg! Ég er farin að íhuga ýmis plott til að losna við þau, engin ólögleg plott í gangi en öll eru þau á hæsta máta ósiðleg. Jemundur minn hvað það er gott að fá útrás í Bandaríkjum bloggsins. Heyrumst síðar-buxur
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The splendour of Scottish weather

Brrrrrrrr from the lovely Caledonia
Sunday, March 05, 2006

4 tv programs I love:
1. "The Weakest Link". Ann Robinson is simply fabulous as a mean Maggie Thatcher wannabe insulting masochistic Brits.
2. "Gettu Betur". The Icelandic equivalent of University Challenge, only louder, with the audience forming a wave, screaming and singing everytime their school stumbles up on a correct answer. Yes, the two first favourites are quiz shows--it's the nerd in me.
3. "Inspector Morse". He's just adorable and sophisticated and smart and fab.
4. Every damn gardening program that Alan Titschmarsh is in. I especially get a craving for his sweet smile and green fingers in the dead of winter when summer seems so far away.
4 movies that I can watch over and over again:
1. "Raiders". The reason why I started studying history--silly me. But even though Indy is a grave-robbing mass murderer, I love him and one day I want to become Dr. Indiana Björk.
2. "The Goonies". A treasure map in the attic and real pirates- count me in.
3. "French Kiss". Oh, basically all the Meg Ryan chick flicks. Meg rocks!
4. "LOTR trilogy". You shall not pass! Swords, beards, elves and orcs. Tolkien knew his Icelandic mythology.
4 websites I look at every day:
1. All my friends' blogs.
2. The weather in Reykjavík. Just because I find it difficult not to.
3. The weather in St Andrews. Just because it's pracical to do so.
4. Sunrise and sunset in various places in the country of my birth. Obsessed with Iceland and the weather...erm YES. SO?!?
4 favourite meals:
1. Italian meatballs a la Óli.
2. Hangikjöt, ORA beans and uppstúf.
3. A good calzone.
4. Bæjarins beztu hot dogs with everything.
4 cd's I can listen to over and over again:
1. Bubbi's Sögur 1980-1990. The Icelandic Rock-King never fails.
2. Paul Simon's Graceland. I love the African beat, it's a happy happy cd. Also--I like all Simon and Garfunkel stuff.
3. Emiliana Torrini's Fisherman's Woman. Classic cd, perfect.
4. Magnús Þór Sigmundsson's Hljóð er nóttin. It's candy for the ears.
Now I have done my duty and I klukk all of my readers that have their own blogs.
Doooo Eeeeeet!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
That's not a burger!

So, my first course at the prestigious joint The Grill House was, in the Scottish tradition, some deep fried mushrooms. Deep frying food seems to be the ultimate cuisine solution in this country. If the Caledonians don't have anything to deep fry, they'll just deep fry the batter and voila and bon appetit! The mushrooms were deep fried and there's not much more to say about that. My next and final course on this food spending spree was Le Burger. The menu said it was a grilled gourmet hamburger, but the truth was something quite different. It was a blob of some unidentifiable meat served with really really fried onions drowned in oil and a red sauce which likewise was unidentifiable. I and my fellow Icelander in this town had problems with this course, since our tastebuds simply refused to acknowledge that this concoction was in fact Le Burger. We nevertheless ate the whole thing while the words of a certain Mr. Paul Hogan from the land downunder sounded in my head: "That's not a knife--THAT'S a knife". Only in my version the word knife was replaced by burger...and there was no "real" burger present so the last part doesn't apply. Hmmm, so in my strange thoughts Mr. Hogan just constantly repeated "that's not a burger, that's not a burger etc.
There is no moral to this story other than that when in Caledonia with a real Le Burger craving, for the love of god, go to Mickey D's or Burger King.
Peace from the Burgermeister