Wednesday, March 15, 2006
On the imminent takeover

It was bound to happen at some point. Soon the only things sold in Tesco will be dried fish, Black Death and Bacon creamcheese. Any resistance is futile y'all. The music of Björk, Bubbi the Rock-king of Iceland and the strange moaning of the beanie-boys in Sigurrós will be played everywhere.
Still I am sensing some Nordic vibes in this whole takeover scheme. Since the news in Iceland say that Danes talk about us..a wonders if the new vikings aka Ice-preneurs are actually a part of an even greater plot. I am afraid that the notorious Swedish Mafia may be playing the role of a shadow ministry within the Icelandic business groups. And I w
as tought to fear the Swedes when I was a kid. The Icelanders that went to Sweden and came back home..well different, brainwashed if you will. They were possibly agents for the SSSP (Sveriges stora social problemer) and at least one of them started his own cultural revolution through 80s viking flicks. I dunno--I hope it's really a solely Icelandic takeover because the Swedes are just too tall and too blonde and they kill their politicians...erm too much. Who wants to eat only Swedish meatballs and listen to Ace of Base? Me me me!

Enough said for now.
Heja--I mean Bless bless