Thursday, February 22, 2007

Iceland declares War on Porn

When a Dutch internet porn conference was planned at one of Reykjavík's hotels, the vast majority of Icelanders said no thanks. The city council claimed that these "tourists" were unwelcome in Reykjavík and the mayor said that the situation 'sucked'. Today the hotel management gave in to the will of the people and shut the door on the porndogs, who needless to say were a wee bit dissapointed.
I must say that I've sometimes, in the process of this whole discussion, said that I'd rather have a conference of porndogs, as long as they are practising 'legal' pornography, than a conference of aluminium tycoons whose sole objective is to destroy the precious environment of my rock and pollute as much as they possibly can in the process.
The psyche of my fellow countrymen is sometimes beyond my comprehension; this is the second time in a few years where certain groups are declared personas non grata. The last time was when the Chinese premier visited. At that point some yoga practising peaceful demonstrators dressed in yellow were prohibited from entering the country. The peaceful protesting of Falun Gong against horrible crimes was frowned upon by local authorities; you don't want to make the guy who was in charge of cleaning up the students at Tiananmen Square upset...
That time round the Icelandic public picked up the pieces, wore yellow and pretended to practise yoga and managed to piss the premier off.
But who's going to take off their clothes in this cold weather and dance around a pole on Reykjavík's town square in the name of the civil rights of Dutch porndogs?
Ermmm, not me!

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