Saturday, March 04, 2006

That's not a burger!

I decided to live the ultimate dream of a poor student and go out for a fancy brunch, just because it's saturday. My fancy brunch was a concoction of no fewer than two courses for £ 4.95; now that's something that I haven't had in a long, long time. I felt like I was climbing an invisible corporate ladder in a company called "Dreaming of a life as a rich scholar in the Humanities". Wow, that's a contradiction in itself, the words rich and humanities somehow don't go together these days. Anyway, the idea of getting two courses for no particular reason just filled me with an incredible feeling of well-being.
So, my first course at the prestigious joint The Grill House was, in the Scottish tradition, some deep fried mushrooms. Deep frying food seems to be the ultimate cuisine solution in this country. If the Caledonians don't have anything to deep fry, they'll just deep fry the batter and voila and bon appetit! The mushrooms were deep fried and there's not much more to say about that. My next and final course on this food spending spree was Le Burger. The menu said it was a grilled gourmet hamburger, but the truth was something quite different. It was a blob of some unidentifiable meat served with really really fried onions drowned in oil and a red sauce which likewise was unidentifiable. I and my fellow Icelander in this town had problems with this course, since our tastebuds simply refused to acknowledge that this concoction was in fact Le Burger. We nevertheless ate the whole thing while the words of a certain Mr. Paul Hogan from the land downunder sounded in my head: "That's not a knife--THAT'S a knife". Only in my version the word knife was replaced by burger...and there was no "real" burger present so the last part doesn't apply. Hmmm, so in my strange thoughts Mr. Hogan just constantly repeated "that's not a burger, that's not a burger etc.
There is no moral to this story other than that when in Caledonia with a real Le Burger craving, for the love of god, go to Mickey D's or Burger King.
Peace from the Burgermeister

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