Saturday, March 11, 2006
The productive days

I felt both bewildered and betrayed. How can the folks at the North Point do this to me? Is this some kind of conspiracy aimed at punishing workaholics who leave the house at an ungodly hour on a saturday? Has the lazy bones group that I used to belong to gone to such drastic measures to gain revenge that they want to ruin my breakfast? All these questions and more went through my head these few moments before the lady told me that this is the way it's been since the dawn of time, or at least since the North Point was founded back in erm '96 or something. I had to have a bagel instead and that made my belly hurt. Not happy.
After this traumatic experience I headed for the Scores where I was planning on doing loads of work. Again much to my dismay, there was a power source problem at the office and hence, no internet. Oops, this gives my real intentions away--more internet surfing than work today... Anyway, I was so astonished and utterly heart-broken by this that I was forced to postpone my work and read Neil Gaiman's 1602. After that I played spider solitaire for a bit and minesweeper thereafter. I finished this hectic day by looking at old pictures--see sample up on your lefthandside. Bloody hell it's difficult working in academia!
In my defense for having such a productive day I will say this: I have a rule against working during the weekend but went to the office because I didn't want to stay at home.
At least my minesweeper skills have improved today.
Hasta la victoria siempre!
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Hehehe... You are the first person I've come across (apart from myself) who openly admits to getting distracted by spider solitaire... Lazybones of the world unite!!
Yeeha! I even play the easy version. That way I tell myself that I win the game quickly an thus get back to working earlier...
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