Sunday, March 05, 2006

4 tv programs I love:
1. "The Weakest Link". Ann Robinson is simply fabulous as a mean Maggie Thatcher wannabe insulting masochistic Brits.
2. "Gettu Betur". The Icelandic equivalent of University Challenge, only louder, with the audience forming a wave, screaming and singing everytime their school stumbles up on a correct answer. Yes, the two first favourites are quiz shows--it's the nerd in me.
3. "Inspector Morse". He's just adorable and sophisticated and smart and fab.
4. Every damn gardening program that Alan Titschmarsh is in. I especially get a craving for his sweet smile and green fingers in the dead of winter when summer seems so far away.
4 movies that I can watch over and over again:
1. "Raiders". The reason why I started studying history--silly me. But even though Indy is a grave-robbing mass murderer, I love him and one day I want to become Dr. Indiana Björk.
2. "The Goonies". A treasure map in the attic and real pirates- count me in.
3. "French Kiss". Oh, basically all the Meg Ryan chick flicks. Meg rocks!
4. "LOTR trilogy". You shall not pass! Swords, beards, elves and orcs. Tolkien knew his Icelandic mythology.
4 websites I look at every day:
1. All my friends' blogs.
2. The weather in Reykjavík. Just because I find it difficult not to.
3. The weather in St Andrews. Just because it's pracical to do so.
4. Sunrise and sunset in various places in the country of my birth. Obsessed with Iceland and the weather...erm YES. SO?!?
4 favourite meals:
1. Italian meatballs a la Óli.
2. Hangikjöt, ORA beans and uppstúf.
3. A good calzone.
4. Bæjarins beztu hot dogs with everything.
4 cd's I can listen to over and over again:
1. Bubbi's Sögur 1980-1990. The Icelandic Rock-King never fails.
2. Paul Simon's Graceland. I love the African beat, it's a happy happy cd. Also--I like all Simon and Garfunkel stuff.
3. Emiliana Torrini's Fisherman's Woman. Classic cd, perfect.
4. Magnús Þór Sigmundsson's Hljóð er nóttin. It's candy for the ears.
Now I have done my duty and I klukk all of my readers that have their own blogs.
Doooo Eeeeeet!
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Iss piss hahahah. Ég tók einmitt þína styttu útgáfu. Gaman að þessu og jafnframt erfitt að muna hvað manni finnst best...
Hildur pointed out that I have forgotten my all time favourite movie---So I married an axe murderer. I am stupid! How could I forget my favourite quote of all time; i've got two words for you, thera py. Also I must add The Wedding Singer and Hostile Hostages; You call your patients wackos? Erm yeah, it!
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