Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The yellow thing

There is a great disturbance in the force. A round yellow thing has invaded the otherwise grey sky of St Andrews. A vast blue colour follows the yellow thing and these combined have really messed up the balance of the force way up in the St Andrews sky. Another thing that accompanies this phenomenon is a terrible increase in temperature; it's actually reached two digits now. This is extremely frightening for the inhabitants of this quaint town. I am expecting mass hysteria and rumours about the end of the world. Soon people will be kneeling in the streets, praying for mercy to Jehova, Allah, Buddha, Appollo and all the other ruling deities. Hopefully there are no Aztecs residing in town. They might feel compelled to turn to human sacrifices in honour of Toniatiuh in order to sustain this freakish phenomenon.
I, myself will most likely pray to Freyr, the Norse god of peace and fertility to put an end to this nonsense. He'll know what to do--this invasion of the yellow round thing must stop! The pale-nosed people of St Andrews might actually develop a tan, erm or at least a "pink" and that is just weird!

My advice to you some shades...soon the big yellow thingy in the sky will be a lot more visible....he he
my advice: the best thing to do now is pray to the mighty Piz-Buin or his equivalent Banana-Boat - in a supermarket near you

Hmmmm, the force is strong with these two. Follow advice a jedi must my young padwans...
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