Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Aurora Borealis meets Ash
Check it out- they always look pretty but with the additional ash effect they look spectacular.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A long overdue spring cleaning sessions begins?
This pretty much says it all- now all we have to do is take out the trash- starting with an awful lot of parliamentarians.
Friday, February 12, 2010
One for the weekend
Thursday, February 11, 2010
One day...
In the life of an overworked, single, thirty-something woman who lives with her elderly mother and a spoiled little brat of a dog:
Morning: I'm at work in my "office" mode- trying desperately to seem highly important and super diligent. Office phone rings.
Me: Yes, B. speaking...
Elderly Mother: Dahhhhling, the pooch misses you.
Me: Erm, uhhhh, well, that's nice. Now, how can I help you? (Spoken in business-woman-like tone as co-workers are listening).
Elderly Mother: Hold on honey, I'm putting the dog on the phone. Now say something to her, she really misses you, I can see it in her puppy eyes.
Me: Errrrrr, no, not now.
Elderly Mother: Talk to her (in a tone that tells me she means business)
Me: Hello Lukka (to chiahuahua-terrier mix), er, was that enough?
Elderly Mother: Yes, darling, well, now I'm going to give her a steak.
Me: (Now shouting out in amazement- which I shouldn't have) NOOOOO, that's tonight's dinner mum! The dog CANNOT have steak. (All co-workers are laughing now and I'm blushing like crazy at this point)
Elderly Mother: But she wants steak, the baby's hungry. It's not easy looking into those sad eyes all day. She's getting steak!
Me: Fine mum, I'll pick something up at the supermarket on the way home from work. Do you fancy anything special?
Elderly Mother: Yes, steak...
Me: Fine, I guess we're all having steak today (in total defeat).
Morning: I'm at work in my "office" mode- trying desperately to seem highly important and super diligent. Office phone rings.
Me: Yes, B. speaking...
Elderly Mother: Dahhhhling, the pooch misses you.
Me: Erm, uhhhh, well, that's nice. Now, how can I help you? (Spoken in business-woman-like tone as co-workers are listening).
Elderly Mother: Hold on honey, I'm putting the dog on the phone. Now say something to her, she really misses you, I can see it in her puppy eyes.
Me: Errrrrr, no, not now.
Elderly Mother: Talk to her (in a tone that tells me she means business)
Me: Hello Lukka (to chiahuahua-terrier mix), er, was that enough?
Elderly Mother: Yes, darling, well, now I'm going to give her a steak.
Me: (Now shouting out in amazement- which I shouldn't have) NOOOOO, that's tonight's dinner mum! The dog CANNOT have steak. (All co-workers are laughing now and I'm blushing like crazy at this point)
Elderly Mother: But she wants steak, the baby's hungry. It's not easy looking into those sad eyes all day. She's getting steak!
Me: Fine mum, I'll pick something up at the supermarket on the way home from work. Do you fancy anything special?
Elderly Mother: Yes, steak...
Me: Fine, I guess we're all having steak today (in total defeat).
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The place that...

I suppose Mickey D's next movie, if they ever make one on my rock, will be called Downsize Me.
I'm sure gonna miss McShake and McFlurry and with this latest evil twist of the recession my hope of ever being able to walk downtown to get a double Mocha Frappuccino at Starbucks has been shattered.
Now, the only question remaing is: Since the PM, who opened our banks and other institutions that belonged to the nation to the "entrepreneurs" (reads criminals), took the first bite into a Big Mac on my rock back in '93, will he be available to also eat the last burger created by this multinational capitalist corporation this saturday?
That would be kind of sarcastic in light of recent history wouldn't it?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Oh, those summer nights

I think I did it last night, I really created a tropical feel up here in the north, sort of.
I went to work ridiculously early so that I could go home early and enjoy the rest of the sunny summer's day.
I did a wee bit of sunbathing in the midst of hundreds of lovely smelling roses previously planted by the mother unit- and naturally read Neil Gaiman's Graveyard Book- you need something morbid when the weather's this nice you know! I actually managed to create a lovely sandal mark on the skin of my foot, so I'd better just wear those same old smelly old sandals for the remainder of the summer- this would never have happened had I been traditional and worn socks and sandals!
Did I stop at this? Hell no! I threw some shrimps on the barbie, well actually, I don't eat shrimp and the A4 box of an instant grill can hardly be called a barbeque and I bet those coals were "fixed" as well, because the darn thing could barely barbeque one sausage let alone those lovely lambchops seasoned with birch, juniper and blueberries. So, I pretty much let them hang out on the barbie for a smoky flavour, because although the instant grill couldn't barbeque worth sh*t, it sure smoked up the neighbourhood! Then I completely cheated and put the almost uncooked lambchops under the grill in my oven, where the baked potatoes were, well, baking- don't tell anyone!
The best bit of the evening was however, the cocktails!
Those strawberry daiquiris and mojitos were just fab, with fresh mint from the garden! In the Republic of Bjork every day will be Mojito day and those mortars you're supposed to use to mix the lime, mint and demerara sugar just take forever so in my land, mortars use electricity, work super fast and are called blenders! Just remember to always use more rum than the recipe says and make at least triple the amount as the sun makes one thirsty.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Ah, those Germans!

This video actually brings back childhood memories about me getting money from my folks, taking the bus downtown and buying classic German culture magazines like Popcorn, Bravo and PopRocky (first and foremost for the stickers and posters- you wouldn't believe the immense cultural effect of stickers- very underrated indeed). I also think my marvellous German comes from "reading" such material from a very young age.
Anyway, back to the video:
Love the hair, love the clothes, love the drama, love everything!
Enjoy it all here.
Works every time!