Wednesday, February 04, 2009
The Day the Recession hit Rock Bottom(s)...literally

I can see it in people's eyes that they're thinking: "Should I buy the nice, soft rolls or the cheap ones that were made out of lightly shredded old cardboard boxes for sure?"
Actually, I don't need to see it in their eyes as they're openly discussing the issue with strangers at the supermarket.
Toilet paper talk has become a sort of a philosophical debate among the "economically thinking" masses who amazingly still frequent the stores in the midst of our economic crisis.
You hear people rationalizing their decision to buy the nice variety on grounds of: "one of these really equals 3 of those" and "I've heard that a part of the proceeds of the nice ones go to building dog shelters, so it's really my contribution to charity, you know for the greater good".
Seriously, when decent toilet paper has evolved into a luxury item, then it's getting pretty bad.
Which reminds me, the Mother Unit called and asked me to pick up a roll of AGHHHHHH