Thursday, January 29, 2009
Yeti found in the Central Bank of Iceland

It turns out that the Yeti has been working as a specialist in economics at the Central Bank of Iceland for the past 4 years under the pseudonym Hairy P. Lothfeld. In an exclusive interview, the incredible Yeti or da Yet Set as he likes being called, claims that he was sick and tired of roaming the snowy hills of Nepal and when the opportunity came, he took the chance at working in a 9-5 deskjob at the bank. "Nobody ever suspected nuttin' but everybody loved my beard" claims a smiling Yeti.
For months the people of Iceland have been demanding the resignation of the three directors of the Central Bank but now it seems that animals rights movements are coming to their aid. "People who trust a fictional snowman to do such a demanding job must be really good people" says Frida Flannel, official spokesperson for the AC/DC animal welfare care foundation.
The bank directors are safe for now due to these breaking news and the Yeti giggles and says: "I was thinking about putting the inflation rate up to 20% today, or who knows, maybe 30% if I'm in a good mood".
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