Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Nouveau Riche Nightmare

The couple naturally had twins, because it was -like so totally- in fashion among the other newly rich.

As soon as the twins could hold a bow, their folks bought wee Stradivarius violins, hired a tutor and made sure that the nanny made sure the kids practised while they were at dinner parties or in St Tropez.

When the crash hit the enormous household, the tutor and the nanny were the first to go.

Unfortunately the twins were diligent little violinists; they played all day long and because the parents could no longer afford somebody to teach them how to play, they found themselves stuck in a neverending suzuki nightmare with no hope of ever hearing a tune played in tune.

Ég sé að þú ert að eignast vini...
Þetta er bara orðið kreppublogg dauðans :)
Já í kreppunni má alltaf stóla á að manni býðst að læra kínversku fyrir lítið fé hjá Andy með fallega brosið.
Smali: Kreppan þrýstir á einhverjar taugar hjá mér sem brjótast út í nýfátækum fabúlum, ræð ekki við mig!
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