Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it...and I feel fine?

Well there we have it, another apocalypse, another disappointment- at least for those who want the world to end (Jehova’s Witnesses have been good at this in the past and of course the Hale Bop cult back in.. ’97 was it?).

I had my doubts about those über neutral people in Switzerland with their cuckoo clocks, predicting the exact time of Judgment Day. I also saw it as a sign that the cooking show I watched the day before the big day was Ainsley’s 50 Things you should eat before you die…Which reminds me: Fresh fish #1? Are these people nuts? No way fish would be my last meal on earth, no, it would be a hot fudge sundae or a banana split or a big, big steak.

Ok, I lost it for a bit there but back on the topic: I must say that if CERN managed to kill us off by accidentally creating a black hole, well it’s the slowest working black hole ever.

I just keep thinking about the poor sods who actually thought the world was really about to end. What did they do yesterday and what did they say to friends and foes?

I bet it was similar to the people who really buy into the whole: “My father was the cousin of the former president of a country in Africa and he had millions and billions in the bank and I need your help to get the money out so if you just send me all your bank info so that I can rob you blind, then we’re in business my friend…”

We’re talking about the same kind of person who actually believes that he’s the 156,789, 234 person online and has therefore won a gazillion dollars, just send some money first and then...

The same person that after reading his junk mail shouts YES and then goes to his boss and tells him: “You can take this job and stick it where the sun don’t shine- I’m rich!”

Yup the same person that comes crawling back the next day begging for a second chance, feeling a little embarrassed, hmmm.

You gotta love this type- and who knows, maybe they’ll be right one day and then the people in the spaceship hovering over the dark side of the moon, dressed in identical blue Nike’s will be the ones laughing…

Ég var verulega fúll þegar heimsendir kom ekki. Var búinn að treysta á þetta. Fór og hækkaði yfirdráttinn minn upp í 18 milljónir fyrir hálfu ári í trausti þess að þurfa ekki að borga til baka.
Já, ég vona bara að þú hafir ekki notað peninginn til að fjárfesta í FL Group eða Fanny Mae
Jæja, Björn hefur komið þér í rúmið. Og ég sem beið spennt eftir heimboði frá Lukku. Það verður að bíða betri tíma.

GAHHH, já og ég er ennþá að jafna mig. Stefnum samt á kvissið á föstudag.
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