Thursday, February 28, 2008
What a feeling- being's believing

Well, now I've really gone and done it- time travelled through the means of my credit card.
I've always been a bit behind, for example, never caught on when other people were wearing stone and snow washed jeans and sweaters saying Rocky IV on the chest. I must say that I don't regret not having worn such garments because they were and still are disgustingly ugly. But the other day, as I decided a new era had begun in my life, I felt that I needed new clothes to match my new life.
So out I went a-shopping and I suppose I must have fallen into a time warp, because I left the mall with bags and bags of 80's inspired clothes. I didn't buy a Rocky IV sweater nor did snow washed jeans enter a shopping bag near me, but I wound up buying silver coloured carrot jeans and matching leg warmers and other stuff of the same genre. Maybe I did this because when I was grocery shopping the other day, I saw the films Flashdance and Footloose in the super cheap DVD section of the supermarket. Or maybe I'm just an uber-geek who's 20 years behind the rest of the world when it comes to clothes.
As you have seen in a previous post, I've rekindled my love affair with glam rock and this trend has now spread like the plague into all corners of my existence, I've even said hello to my very old green and blue eyeshadows (although I swore some time ago that I would never ever use them again).
This current state of things may also stem from the fact that I'm an historian and am therefore obsessed with the past. But, it is also possible that I'm not the only one obsessing with the 80s these days because I went to see the Cohen movie last night and guess what: it takes place in the 80s! I got a serious chill of happiness that ran up and down my spine when I discovered this and was even ecstatic when I realized that the main actor was the big brother from The Goonies although it was difficult to recognize him without the mullet and the BMX bike.
Let's face it people: the 80s have come back to haunt us and ain't going away- so go and dig up your old leg warmers, pointy shoes and carrot jeans and just enjoy because "in a world made of steel made of stone" life somehow seems brighter through a green eyeshadow...
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Wow, she's back, she's back with a vengeance!! It was really worth the wait - I fucking love your blog! :-)
Write on darling, write on!
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Write on darling, write on!
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