Friday, November 24, 2006
Plebeians of the world unite

I must admit that I have also been doing a wee bit of soul searching lately. You see, I have been looking for the Plebeian in me. For those who are not Icelandic this term may need explaining. On my rock we use the Roman term “Plebeian” (the short version is Plebbi) for people who are according to my English dictionary “lower middle class person, petty bourgeois”.
These individuals can be identified by the following: 1) Eerily orange skin tone from excessive tanning salon sessions or attack of the horrid tanning towels. 2) Extreme highlights in hair, like a birdie with diarrhoea had done its deed on top of the head (men). Extremely bleached hair (women). 3) Swollen body from exercising with six-pack from head to toe (men). Stick like body from the low-carb diet (women).
Alas, after looking everywhere for the Plebbi in me, I have come up empty-handed. I am just going to have to try to accept the fact that Plebeiism skipped a generation this time…
And here’s the reason for these wonderings: I was watching telly last night and stumbled upon a live broadcast from the competition “Mr. Iceland 2006”. It was seriously an overdose of Plebbiness, the young lads prancing around in skimpy shorts just looked like buff carrots to me saying things like: “Hi, I’m Óli and I come from Nowhereville and I’m HOT, vote Óli, vote Óli..”. Watching this I got a silly-shiver that wouldn’t stop running up and down my spine.
Is this what we’ve come to? In a country where the friggin’ Sagas were written, the land of vicious Vikings and the explorers who discovered America (and then lost it again). Did our ancestors eat mouldy meat, dried out fish and even their shoes and survive immense volcanic eruptions and harsh winters with their fjords filled with icebergs so that their offspring could turn orange and worship Britney and K-Fed?
I’m thinking that had our ancestors had the power of seeing into the future, they would probably all have jumped into that scorching hot crater to prevent this from happening.
I’m stunned, bewildered and betrayed…give me back the good old days with shoe eating and no orange-looking dude in sight pleeeeease.
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Well that's one way of putting it...I suppose I'm just not civilized if that's it. Maybe we are embarking on the end of our golden age like happened to the Romans a while back. Our barbarians will kill our scholars and the future will be bright orange.
yep... and the vegetable farmers will be forced to stop growing greens and into opening up their greenhouses for mass-tanning of buff, orange skinned people with heavy highlights.
Orange-skinned people who say things like "when my friend looked at my old curtains he threw up - so I knew there had to be something wrong with the curtains and bought brand new designer ones. Hmmm, anyone up for a quick tan?"
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Orange-skinned people who say things like "when my friend looked at my old curtains he threw up - so I knew there had to be something wrong with the curtains and bought brand new designer ones. Hmmm, anyone up for a quick tan?"
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