Monday, October 16, 2006

This wonderful peace of art by my favourite Icelandic artist Jón Stefánsson is now on the wall in my office. I meant to put something else up there but my purse said no. You see, eons and eons ago when I was a little girl growing up in Cambridge, my mum (then a bored professor's wife)had a strange little hobby. She went to cemeteries with some American professors' wives and put black and golden paper on the graves of some long dead knights and bishops. The result was eerily fascinating pictures of these tombstones, knights in full armour and ladies in medieval dresses. Yes, mums get up to strange the things when the housework seizes to be fulfilling.
Some years back I persuaded mum to hand over her ever so morbid artwork. I planned to have the pictures framed and then put on the walls of my house. When the push came to shove, I couldn't do it, I mean seriously who wants to have their walls covered in Cambridgean tombstones?
Then last week the unthinkable happened, I cleaned and rearranged my office. All of a sudden, while sitting in an Ajax smelling, shiny and just wonderful office, I noticed that something was missing...decorations. I instantly thought of my dead knights and Eureka! Although they seem morbid in a home, they would be perfect in an historian's office. Who knows, I might even become inspired to do great things on the playing field of historical never know.
So off I went to the new IKEA to look for frames, but of course the Swedes only had standardized social-democratically approved frames. Never trust the Swedes!
A friend of mine then saved the day like a knightess on a shiny horse and bought me the above picture for a whopping 1000 krónur which equals around 8 quid. So, it's not an original, but it's lovely and the frame is a beauty from the 50s.
I am sure this picture made somebody happy about 50 years ago until somebody gave it to the Red Cross market from whence it came to me. I know it will make me happy and possibly inspire me too...
So enough of blogging for one day, work awaits in an upliftingly homely office!(meaning staring at the picture while eating peppercakes=ginger cookies and thinking about working...a lot)