Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Internet explains it all

I need to stop taking these online charachter tests! My movie alter ego is that mean old Scarlett...jeez, no wonder I'm single!

How about that Bjork,
You are:

Scarlett O’Hara

As God is your witness, you’ll never be hungry or be forced to make a dress out of curtains again! You’re not above stealing other people’s fiancés and you stop at nothing to get your own way, which always leads to tragedy. At least you still look pretty when you cry.
If you dear reader wish to torture yourself with internet tests go to
If the results are disappointing as in my case you can always shake your head and say: "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn..."

Ja, ég er nú Mary Poppins, mér finnst tad mjog fyndid verd ég ad segja.
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