Monday, August 07, 2006
Here we know that ... will be green and bright

Better plunge into the depths of a German beverage now...
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Sesame Street has its own version of the guy now - Dr.Feel and he's just as brilliant. The bald and the brilliant.
Wow, I feel like I'm missing out on some quality US-style TV entertainment here!!
Ah, actually, that's a lie, as the TV stations here (yes, and even the one in Camiri, the wonderful Telecable del Sur) insist on showing all kinds of (North) American TV trash, and oftentimes not even dubbed - which is baaad as well, cause it's so much easier to listen to the sweet Yankee voices than to read the subtitles. Luckily, however, there are still 'Los Simpson', which you can enjoy in pure español...
Man, I think it would be best to throw the box out of the window, but not sure what my landlady would say to that...
I feel for you, B, but hang on in there, we all know you can do it!!
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Ah, actually, that's a lie, as the TV stations here (yes, and even the one in Camiri, the wonderful Telecable del Sur) insist on showing all kinds of (North) American TV trash, and oftentimes not even dubbed - which is baaad as well, cause it's so much easier to listen to the sweet Yankee voices than to read the subtitles. Luckily, however, there are still 'Los Simpson', which you can enjoy in pure español...
Man, I think it would be best to throw the box out of the window, but not sure what my landlady would say to that...
I feel for you, B, but hang on in there, we all know you can do it!!
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