Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Panic on the streets of London
Panic on the streets of Birmingham
I wonder to myself
Could life ever be sane again ?
The Leeds side-streets that you slip down I wonder to myself
Hopes may rise on the Grasmere
But Honey Pie, you're not safe here
So you run down
To the safety of the town
But there's Panic on the streets of Carlisle
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself
You see I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. My thesis that was supposed to be such a bloomin Louvre masterpiece is still just a Japanese tourist instant cam snapshot and a fragmented one at that! I have discovered that only a tiny bit of the bloody thing is ready and the rest is in the form of notes. It's due 2 and a half months from now and I am already panicking...
But there's Panic on the streets of Carlisle
Dublin, Dundee, Humberside
I wonder to myself
You see I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. My thesis that was supposed to be such a bloomin Louvre masterpiece is still just a Japanese tourist instant cam snapshot and a fragmented one at that! I have discovered that only a tiny bit of the bloody thing is ready and the rest is in the form of notes. It's due 2 and a half months from now and I am already panicking...

What is happening in the universe of B? Why is it that I over-read? Why have I become a chronic note-taker and can't transform my knowledge and notes into proper chapters?
Then there's the constant sinus headache that keeps bugging me not to forget the unending notion in my belly that feels like I have a friggin beehive in there.
At least this trauma has given me an idea for the 2nd part of my auto-biography " On the verge of a nervous breakdown on the verge of the known world".
The good news is that I am leaving for a sunnier place, a warm place in the deep south, a place called... Sun-Tandrews. The last holiday I had there was lucrative; I got a hell of a lot done.
OK, I will seize panicking now, as le Morrisey says Barbarism begins at home... and I have Hofflander to keep me sane...
Next writing session will be from the UK headquarters.
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STOP READING AND START WRITING!!! You can do it! Put the book down! I wish I was going to St. Andrews with you =(!
'Why is it that I over-read? Why have I become a chronic note-taker and can't transform my knowledge and notes into proper chapters?'
Lol, darling, I've never worked any differently from that! If you discover how to do it more productively, please let me know!
I'm back in Santa Cruz, where it's a helluva lot warmer than in Sucre, but otherwise there's not much to do - I'm stuck in a hostel at the mo with a bunch of the most boring gringos I've ever met.
Anyway, good luck with the thesis, or rather, as my ex used to say: luck doesn't come into it when you're a genius! I believe in you, go B!!
(Oh, btw, what the hell is going on with the unwanted links in the blogs all of a sudden?!)
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Lol, darling, I've never worked any differently from that! If you discover how to do it more productively, please let me know!
I'm back in Santa Cruz, where it's a helluva lot warmer than in Sucre, but otherwise there's not much to do - I'm stuck in a hostel at the mo with a bunch of the most boring gringos I've ever met.
Anyway, good luck with the thesis, or rather, as my ex used to say: luck doesn't come into it when you're a genius! I believe in you, go B!!
(Oh, btw, what the hell is going on with the unwanted links in the blogs all of a sudden?!)
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