My mum's lovely goldfish Gulli has moved on to greener pastures or rather bluer seas. The poor thing had been living in mum's waterlily pond with his buddy Gulla for the past two years. I noticed two days ago that Gulli was developing a new swimming style, I call it Gulli's swimming on one side freestyle mode, but apparently he was simply dying. I tried all I could to revive the little guy; I put him in a new tank with the purest Icelandic water and gave him new food. He seemed to be recovering beautifully and swam in circles happily for a whole day in the more conventional goldfish way but this morning my mum called me to tell me about his death. Gulli and Gulla are mum's first pets ever and she's pretty heartbroken about the whole thing. Gulli got a proper burial in her yard and my contribution was rushing off to the pet shop to buy a replacement. The new addition to our family is a tiny little thing called Dropi and I hope that Gulla will treat him ok and not chew on his fin or something like that. If she does, it's understandable because she's in mourning so I guess we'll find out soon if this new relationship will work out. I have to say that Gulla's reaction to Gulli's illness was phenomenal. She was actually nursing the little guy and tried to help him swim properly etc. My respect for goldfish has thusly grown in the last few fingers crossed for the health and happiness of Gulla and Dropi.
Vaya con pescados amigos
# posted by Björkin : 2:34 PM