Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Things that go bump in the night

The thought of going to the loo or downstairs for a fag just brings back memories about every darn horror movie that I've seen. I recall movies like Copycat when I think about the toilet. The image of Sigourney Weaver hanging on to life while being choked by a psycho killer in a bathroom stall is the first thing that springs to mind. Also, they probably did a movie where some poor wench got wacked by an axe-murderer while indulging in a cigarette. I can't remember one right now, but Hollywood must have made one at some point. Not to mention the gazillion movies where female college students are attacked and/or chopped to bits by male chauvinist creeps wearing halloween costumes...
The solution is probably not the safety of my office, although I've bolted the door. My desk is by the window and I can just picture the ghost of Cathy in Wuthering Heights in the corner of my eye, all dead and super creepy, lurking around outside the window, begging somebody to let her in, 'cause baby it's cold outside.
I think that the answer to my paranoia is disco and then some more disco. By disco I don't mean Jacko's "It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark". What will save me from scaring the bejesus out of me is the joyful cd Saga Disco Funk and Imagination's "ooh ooh ooh ohh ahhhh it's just an illusion".
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Björk hvenær má maður skrá þig í framsókn? Ég er að spá í að gera það, bara svo þeir fái þig brjálaða niður á flokksskrifstofu til að skrá þig út! hehe ;)
allt nema ælugrænt og græni myglukenndi liturinn sem er notaður af flokkum sem hafa verið í dauðateygjunum í mörg ár en neita að sleppa takinu. Go into the light framsókn...
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