Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The municipal elections are almost over

I promise to start writing on more entertaining things soon. Until then I can only say: It's semi-snowing, it's really windy, it's super duper cold, I've got a new office with a view of the angry sea, I still haven't seen the mountain I'm supposed to be able to see from my new office window because the weather blocks the view, I'm going to Scotland this sunday, Dutch strawberries are very tasty and vote F for freedom, funky chicken and Frank Zappa.

Uno viso, omnia visa sunt...

Ótrúlegt að menn skuli í alvöru vilja þurrka burt menningarsöguna sína - þessu má líkja við bókabrennu ( nema að hús er bara til í einu eintaki)
how do you feel about Finland winning the Eurovision contest? Scary rock monsters??
The Finns are fellow Nordics so I feel like we all won. And if the recipe for Eurovision success is sending middle aged men in latex costumes..then that's exactly what we'll do next year. Hasta victoria sempre!
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