Friday, May 05, 2006

The misfortune of me

If Himmler was reincarnated, he would doubtless have bad karma. I think that's what karma is all about.. I mean, it's about paying the debts you left behind in a previous life. Former life evil doers become seriously unlucky people while former life good guys will have all the luck in the world. I am guessing that means that Gandhi reincarnated would be someone like Paris and Nicole, strutting around Rodeo Drive, with pooches named Tinkerbell stuffed in a pink Gucci bag. The only unfair thing about that scenario would be that he would still be suffering from self-inflicted starvation. Not for the greater good of mankind like in 1930s India, no not this time; it would be in order to fit his anorexic new bod into super expensive, but yet fabric-deprived frocks. I am ranting again aren't I? I seriously hate it when I lose my train of thought, "the next train to depart from platform Björk will be the one hour express to loonyland... All aboard".
Anyway, the moral of the story is not to wonder about Gandhi's life after death and I must stress that I don't wish him to be reincarnated as an anorexic and spoilt LA girl...shite, ranting again. I merely meant to discuss my own personal bad karma. My computer broke down and the folks at We-are-hacks-and-can' said they couldnt fix it (surprise surprise) and that my masters thesis was lost for all eternity. Then i gave myself a nasty case of the flu as a surprise birthday present. Finally, I hit my knee really hard on a sharp car thingy while exiting a vehicle. While jumping around on one leg, I managed to hit my big toe on a rock. Also, i forgot to buy a ticket to Iggy Pop's concert (to be read as: I am a broke student and couldn't afford to buy a ticket). Well, I think I have proven to myself that my karma is pretty damn bad. But then again, what do I know about karma, I am a sceptic and don't even believe in reincarnations, they simply don't make sense in terms of population numbers and then there's the question with the dinosaurs? Actually, sometimes I feel like some people around me have a brain the size of a peanut...maybe T-Rex is alive and well and reincarnated in the form of say an a politician... More on the karma recovery later...
Vaya con pollos

did you really lose your whole thesis??????
Thankfully it is ok---
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