Sunday, February 05, 2006
Neds vs Eurovision

Hey you disgustingly cool, I am talking to you…born in Reykjavik, no out of town freak…I know I’ll win the fucking final… Congrats Iceland that I was born here, I’m Silvía Nótt and all you are rooting for me! Eurovision nation will have a seizure when I arrive…my song is disgustingly cool, not at 90s revulsion, it is tough o.k. is not gay…I am here to stay. The other bitches in the competition have pimples on their faces…
And so it goes. Actually I have to add that this is all naturally so much cooler in the Icelandic non-translated version, yes, because it rhymes in that one…
I honestly believe this song, Eurovision Nation, could win, I just hope they won’t translate the lyrics which are sort of offensive towards the rest of Europe. Now all we have to do is add these stupid tribal drums that seem to hit the “right” spot among the other so-called Eurovision nations. Oh well, after the atrocity of last year’s Eurovision in that ungrateful shithole they call Kiev…See what premature democracy has done to these people dammitt? Not letting that gorgeous Icelandic song into the final…Shame on you Eastern Europe! Communism was too good for you! Ok, I think I’m going a teensy weensy overboard here…Anyway, for the next Eurovision, incidentally hosted in the interestingly and unmistakenly roofless houses on that Greek hill…VOTE ICELAND!! P.s. To listen to the glorious masterpiece press this...
Greetos cheetos
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múahahahahhah! Liste very carefuly I shall say this only once...Yes it was I Leclerc but do not tell Herr Flick (Kristján Hreinsson) about it...
dude i have been looking for last years winning song on the internet cuz it brings back fond memories of Greece but I have not found it. Do u have a copy?
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