Thursday, January 19, 2006
Sweet technology

This is just a scientific experiment. Here I will try to add a picture to my blog to make it a bit more appealing... So here goes nothing...
Ha ha ha ha...Eureka!!! Whoopeeeeeee! I am becoming so the biggest non-technologiacally-challenged historian in the world, erm..or at least on my street. Have nothing to say really. Still lying in bed, my sinuses are acting up now, an unevitable consequence of the Scots-flu. Darn this bacteria, darn all viruses, go Otrivin Menthol! Must take some more drugs now...what to pick, what to pick... Aha! Lemon ginger tea has the upper hand today over smelly old coke and ginger combo.
Cheerio mates
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Hope you feel better!!! I have a picture next to that Nessie too! I am in Portland, orgeon now visiting a friend. Miss you!
Hey Ho!!!
How wonderful life is when you are in teh world.... Sorry listening to Moulin Rouge... the rouge moulin... and their pervert schyzos.. Well.... MAn be glad you dont have the SPANISH INFLUEZA!! you would be dead by now (BTW if you are actually sick of the spanish flu, make inmediatly a "testamento" and give me your brand new laptop and your money if any.... no debts for me please!!!)
Well well well... the pic was cool, and you are looking cool in that pic... I wonder who took it?? could it by any chance be a crazy spaniard with a red nose and a wet hat??? I dunno...
cheerio man!!!
How wonderful life is when you are in teh world.... Sorry listening to Moulin Rouge... the rouge moulin... and their pervert schyzos.. Well.... MAn be glad you dont have the SPANISH INFLUEZA!! you would be dead by now (BTW if you are actually sick of the spanish flu, make inmediatly a "testamento" and give me your brand new laptop and your money if any.... no debts for me please!!!)
Well well well... the pic was cool, and you are looking cool in that pic... I wonder who took it?? could it by any chance be a crazy spaniard with a red nose and a wet hat??? I dunno...
cheerio man!!!
he he, it was either a crazy espanish person or a strange dutch monkey girl... good luck with the new job in Balezona, Barelonas...erm good luck in Espain. Besos
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