Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Good-bye sweet Sumi

It's been a year of incredible personal victories while at the same time filled with ugliness and defeats.
What else could be expected? The year started with a terrorist attack; as I was leaving Spain I witnessed the Madrid police bringing out the remains of the victims of a terrorist attack at the airport.
This summer I was trying to get home from Glasgow when another terrorist bombing happened- twice in one year; that's just unreal!
The other day, I felt the bottom had been reached in terms of the year 2007 not being my year and I commented: "Well, this surely is as bad as it can get in one year- there is no way that it could possibly get any worse."
Guess what? It got worse.
Last friday the cat was run over and killed by a speeding wanker who didn't even stop- or maybe he/she was driving so bloody fast that he/she didn't even notice the cat lying dead by the side of the road after the "collision".
This is my farewell to my departed friend Sumi. She was simply an amazing cat; When nobody was home she would lift the receiver and meow into the phone when somebody phoned. Friends and family thought it was the human occupants trying to be funny when, in fact, it was Sumi trying to say: "Dude I'm all alone here at the mo...can I take a message to the humanoids?"
In the morning she would sit on a chair at the breakfast table and eat cucumbers, you really should eat greens in the morning- even cats know that!
She would sneak into bed with her head on the pillow and her little paws on the comforter and purr gently when you were about to get into bed, you know just to say: "Hey homie, I'm lying here, try not to disturb!"
In the afternoon she would demand a boiled fillet of cod with a little bit of salt and then she'd thank you by meowing a little bit jump into your lap and pat you on the cheek with her paw and if extra happy she'd nugde your forhead with hers.
Gosh, I miss that cat- now there's no welcoming committee when I come home from the office. My paws go out to you Sumi- gonna miss ya.
My strange brain...
Does this lady turn clockwise or counter-clockwise?
In my head she's turning clockwise which means I use the right side of the brain more, meaning that I am mostly controlled by emotions and lack logic- who would have thought?
uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
rules symbols and images
present and future philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
believes appreciates spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
impetuous risk taking
uses logic
detail oriented facts
rule words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend knowing
acknowledges order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based forms strategies
practical safe
No wonder I like sci-fi and other imaginary things like talking rabbits...