Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Party time- excellent...

Don't you just love your neighbours? I know that the Bible says to love thy neighbour as thyself, but I suppose I'm just not that Christian, at least not when it comes to my neighbours.
I've had my fair share of "special" neighbours, remember the McNasties? And lets not forget the old lady who used to knock on my door to tell me all about her continence problems- yes, that's right, she had the same bladder problem as Mrs. Emery from Little Britain. However, my old neighbour could talk about her leaky bladder for hours and hours, regardless of whether I had guests or not.
At times I would draw the blinds and pretend I wasn't there when she came a-knocking, but it's not really fair that one should have to hide in their own home from the nosy and leaky neighbours is it?
My current neighbours are in many aspects ideal; we greet each other politely when we meet, but that's it and I honestly like that. However, they have a tendency to travel, a lot. When they're away, their grown up sons throw parties.
Sometimes, they just sing a few sappy Icelandic songs from the 80s via their ever so loud karaoke machine. After the singing's over, usually around 1-2 AM they continue their partying downtown, so no complaints there.
However, sometimes they extend their partying into overtime and jump around, singing and shouting with loud music and serious bass. This can last into the morning hours, which I don't really appreciate.
Now, I think I'm pretty nice, at least most of the time, but when nearly middle-aged men keep me up all night long, without my consent, I get a wee bit annoyed, especially when it's a reacurring theme on a working day.
Last night, a bleeding tuesday mind you, I got out of bed at 3.15 AM, put my bathrobe and sneakers on (nice ensemble right?) and went upstairs to ask them politely to pipe down. "Sure no problem, so sorry, we'll stop making noise..." Right!
At 5.30 AM I felt as if Tony Hadley, the Kemp brothers and the rest of Spandau Ballet were actually in my bedroom singing "Ah ha ha ha haaaaa, I knooow this much is truuuuuuue". Now don't get me wrong, Spandau Ballet did good things back in the 80s and I personally think that Journeys to Glory from '81 is a damn good cd, but good things can go really sour in one's bedroom at 5.30 AM, and besides True was not a track on Journeys to Glory!
So, I pay my neighbours another visit and this time around I wasn't as nice as I had been during my 3.15 AM visit. They cut the music but continued speaking loudly until 10 AM, when I think they must have passed out.
All I want for Christmas is a good night's sleep and you can call me a Grinch but can you really blame me for dreaming of spending the holidays somewhere in a neighbour-free cave up in the mountains?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My scary Dreamworld

The reason for this question is that I dreamed a "Heroes" dream last night...again!
Now, I seriously hate that Sylar guy, but this is the second time I dream about him. This time around I was at a dinner party with the rest of the heroes. Naturally, Sylar was there too, the bastard! He had one of those fancy digital cameras with the biggest lense I've ever seen. He used the camera to take pics of the party guests, you see the pics showed those who had superpowers all distorted. I, of course, had superpowers so that lousy bugger came after me and tried to suck the powers out of me. He failed...
Apparently, my superpower was that my superpower couldn't be sucked out of me if that makes any sense. In the dream it was quite useful, but in hindsight it isn't a very impressive superpower.
Now, I've in previous posts made cynical remarks on the Mother Unit and her obsessive behaviour when it comes to television. But now I even "watch" TV in my sleep.
Folks, this time I really think I should go out and get myself a life....