Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My Eco-footprint

Ok, maybe I think wheat-grass juice tastes like puke, I can't stretch worth shite (no-yoga policy) and I seriously enjoy a big fat burger once in a blue moon...but nontheless, I have spent days on end fighting the Man for the thousand year old canyons, glacial rivers, reindeer, seals, birdies and cute flowers.
Little did I know- I took that blasted eco-footprint test and guess what: it would take 4 frigging planet Earth's to sustain eco-friendly people like me!
Now I felt bewildered, betrayed and all that when I got the results, but after looking at the whole thing in perspective, I have realised what one needs to be to be eco enough for these people: the home will have to be a box with no electricity and no water, the means of transport being none whatsoever, the food will be nonexistent...this simply means that in order to be eco enough one needs to be DEAD!
So there you go:
It ain't easy being green!
Friday, April 13, 2007
It's been a long time baby!
So what's been keeping me away from the world of blog? Well, the answer lies in one horrid word: Dissertation.
Yes, I have submitted the bloody thing and that's all I have to say about that as Forrest Gump would put it.
As I struggle to get my life and maybe especially my social life back, I have been up to no good since I submitted.
I spent easter in a place in South Iceland, where I spoke about my topic in a church- that was pretty damn cool and the peeps there were so super duper nice, who knows, maybe I'll move there at some point.
I failed miserably at getting my social life together after that, as I spent about two days in bed watching the entire eighth series of the Simpsons. I can't decide whether I like Nelson or Chief Wiggum more...they both rock!
Hmmm, what else? I managed to get hooked on some tv shows, Heroes, American Idol and last but not least Dexter...what a charming sociopath- I seriously need to go out more!
Then I am becoming really political as my sis is the green candidate in South Iceland in the up-coming elections. I find myself thinking about the sizes of boats, the educational system and how to stop the darned heavy-industry craze in this joint. Pressing matters and these meetings and "shit" (as my transvestite hero Emily Howard would say) actually clash with my tv schedual!
Goodness, I really need to get a life! Any ideas anyone on how to break this pattern? What should I do; start dating (can't be bothered to look + live with mum which is not dating friendly), get a dog (can't afford one + living with mum who's not dog friendly), join a new age group (not really the spiritual type + too busy watching American mind-destroying material on telly with mum)?
Yes, it is a puzzle...
I'll just keep on blogging about my uber-exciting existence-