Saturday, December 03, 2005
Sweet December

It's really the silly season again. That means constant drinking of red wine infused with aquavit, cinnamon, cloves, oranges and other delicious things. Cocktail parties, and a red nose from either drinking or the constant frost biting my nose. It also means that I am going to have to start writing christmas cards, buy presents for my clan, preferably clothes, so the poor sods don't end up between the immense jaws of the darned christmas cat. He's pretty hungry now I suspect and the thirteen evil santas are jumping up and down from joy in the mountains. I am thinking that if people don't behave properly I will just give them non-clothing for christmas and then the mountain dwelling hooligan santas and their pets can come and take them, he he. It's also a lot more convenient than doing something illegal to your foes... (Btw. found this picture of the beast on
Gotta go drink some more gluhwein now